Here is an example of how to create an ethereum address from the private key Java:
Bring org.betereum.crypto.*;
Public -Class Head {
Public Static Empty Main (String [] Args) {
// Create a New Private Key
PRIVATEKEY PRIVATEEKEY = New PrivateeKey (“some_private_key”);
// Get a der-coded private key
Byte [] derencodedprivatekey = privateekey.Geterencoded ();
// Create Ethereum address from a private key
Ethereumaddress ethereumaddress = new ethereumaddress (Dencodedprivatekey);
System.out.println (“Created Ethereum Address:” + EtherEdddress.Tostring ());
This example uses the “org.betereum.cryptopackage that is part of the Ethereum Java application. To use this package, you need to add the following dependency to the mavors project:
In the ethereumaddress' class there is a builder who takes the private key of the der coded as an argument.
Note: This Example Creates A New Ethereum Address Every Time You Do It Unless You Edit The Code To Create Addresses From Existing Kees With A Key Derivative Function, Such As Ethereum's ECDSA. However, this is not recommended for use in production as it may be subsceptible to attacks.
Bring org.betereum.crypto.*;
Public -Class Head {
Public Static Empty Main (String [] Args) {
// Create a New Private Key Using Ethereum ECDSA Algorithm
Privatekey Privatekey = New Privatekey (New Keypairbuilder (). SeedFrom (New ECDSarsa256SignAGAGAGLAt (
New ECDSARA256SignAsignAsignArameters (“Some_Private_Key”),
1, 1, 0, 0, 0,
10, 20, 30, 40, 50
)). Build ());
// Get a der-coded private key
Byte [] derencodedprivatekey = privateekey.Geterencoded ();
// Create Ethereum address from a private key
Ethereumaddress ethereumaddress = new ethereumaddress (Dencodedprivatekey);
System.out.println (“Created Ethereum Address:” + EtherEdddress.Tostring ());
This example produces a new ethereum address using the Ethereum ECDSA algorithm and the private key supplied. “Keypairbuilder ‘Class is used to create an ECDSA pair from the private key.
Ripple Layer Consensus Mechanism