How Blockchain Technology Can Benefit from Artificial Intelligence

How can blockchain technology can benefit from artificial intelligence

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Distributed data storage at Blockchain

Traditional data storage solutions rely on centralized databases dominated by one entity. However, these solutions are prone to security violations, information loss and centralization of ownership. Blockchain technology provides a decentralized option using a decentralized mainstream technique to store all events

Benefit for Blockchain solutions for AI engines

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be applied to Blockchain to improve its characteristics in many ways:


  • Intelligent contracts

    How Blockchain Technology Can Benefit from Artificial Intelligence

    : AI-operated intelligent contracts can automate events

  • Automatic conformity :


AI engines Blockchain platforms

Many companies are developing Blockchain platforms already on the AI ​​engine that utilize the strengths of both technologies:

  • IBM Watson Blockchain : The Watson Blockchain of IBM uses AI to analyze and process extensive data moussers, provide views on business and market trends.



Benefits for Businesses

Benefits for companies:





The integration of artificial intelligence into Blockchain technology has far-reaching benefits for companies, governments and individuals. Utilizing the power of both techniques when

Other resources

About the use of artificial intelligence with Blockchain technology, visit our owned website:

  • [Blockchain-and Collaborative] (

  • [IBM Blockchain AI survey] (

  • [Ethereum 2.0 community forum] (

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