Ethereum: Binance API How to connect with a web socket using Javascript?

Connecting to the Binance WebSocket application interface with JavaScript: Keeping K -lines alive

As a developer of the Binance application subscription, you are likely to feel real -time retrieval of data. However, when you use requests to obtain one line (Klines) data, the resulting JSON response can be expired quickly due to latency and network congestion. To solve this problem, we will look at how to keep the K -lines alive by connecting to the Binance’s WebSocket application using JavaScript.

Binance WebSocket API Review

Ethereum: Binance API How to connect with a web socket using Javascript?

Before diving into the code, it is necessary to understand the basics of the Binance WebSocket application:

  • The WSterminal point offers real-time information updates for different markets.

  • You can order certain end points and receive push notifications when new information is available.

  • To keep the K-lines alive, you need to create a continuous connection with the websockets.

Connecting to the Binance WebSocket application interface with JavaScript

You can connect to the Binance WebSocket application connection using Javascript: The following steps:

  • Install the required libraries : You need theWS(WebSockets Library) and Crying ‘for encryption functions. Driving:


NPM Install WS Crypto




Const websocket = Require (‘WS’);

Const WSS = new websocket.server ({port: 8080});

// Handle incoming connections and order Klines

wss.on (‘connection’, (ws) => {

Console.log (‘Customer connected’);

// Order the Klines end point ‘/klines’

ws.on (‘message’, (data) => {

if (data.type === ‘KLINE’) {

const {symbol, time interveval, open, high, low, close, volume} = json.parers (data);

Console.log (New Kline Received: $ {symbol} @ $ {timeinterval} interval);

// Update your application K-line details

Updateklines (symbol, time interval, open, high, low, close, volume);



ws.on (‘closed’, () => {

Console.log (‘Customer removed’);




This code creates a WebSocket server and listens to future connections. Once the new connection is formed, it orders the Klines end point in the /Klines section and processes incoming messages.

K-line data processing

If you want to process new information received at “Message” events, you can use JSON.PARSE () to structure an incoming message:


ws.on (‘message’, (data) => {

if (data.type === ‘KLINE’) {

const {symbol, time interveval, open, high, low, close, volume} = json.parers (data);

Console.log (New Kline Received: $ {symbol} @ $ {timeinterval} interval);

// Update your application K-line details

Updateklines (symbol, time interval, open, high, low, close, volume);




Keeping K-lines to survive

For the K-lines to survive, you need to create a continuous connection with the websockets. You can achieve this by creating a WebSocket server that listens to incoming connections and processes the messages accordingly.

In this example, we create one websocket server at the gate 8080:


WSS = new websocket.server ({port: 8080});


However, in the form of the codes supplied, we only connect from one customer. To keep the K-lines alive, you need to create several connections and process incoming messages.

Updating the application

To update your app with the latest K -line data, you can edit the Updateklines' function:


Function update clinics (symbol, timeinterval, open, high, low, close, volume) {

Const Kllinedata = JSON.PARSE (JSON.STRINGify ({}); // Create a copy of the original data)

clliana.symbol = symbol;

Kllinedata.timeinterval = timeinterval; = open;

Kllinedata.high = high;

Kllinedata.Low = low;

kllinedata.close = nearby;


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