I can accompany you with the process of building Bitcoin-Qt.exe to Ubuntu 18.4, first with the latest version (0.8.1) and then with older versions. Note, however, that generating an executable file for Bitcoin-Qt.exe requires a little more complicated than just assembling them.
Bitcoin-0.8.1 building
To build Bitcoin-0.8.1 on Ubuntu 18.4, you must install the “Build-Essential” package that provides the necessary tools to build executable files:
SUDO APT update
Sudo Apt Installation -y Building Essential Libssl-Dev Libz-Dev Libncrypt-Dev Curl Git GIT
Now download the source code of the bitcoins from [bitcoin.org] ( and follow these steps to build it on Ubuntu 18.4:
- Cloning the storage
: Cloning the Bitcoin Storage with GIT:
Git curtain bitcoin-0.8.1
- Change to directory : Change to newly cloned directory:
CD Bitcoin-0.8.1
- Build Bitcoin : Build Bitcoin using “Make
(it will take some time depending on your processor and RAM):
Make -j $ (nproc)
This assumes that you are building X86_64 for architecture, but you can enter the target architecture by adding -t
Make -J $ (nproc) -t ARM64
- Bitcoin configuration : You must configure Bitcoin using the
configure 'script:
./configure-build = Linux-64-host = Linux-64
- Make Binary : Now make binary files for Linux (32-bit):
Make -j $ (nproc)
- Install : Install the resulting binary files and libraries:
Sudo will install the installation
Bitcoin-0.8.1 building (with older versions)
If you want to build bitcoin-0.8.1 from another version, you will have to follow these general steps, but with the specific version of the version and changes that are needed for the following version:
For 0.7.x or earlier
SUDO APT update
Sudo Apt Installation -y Building Essential Libssl-Dev Libz-Dev Libncrypt-Dev Curl Git GIT
CD Bitcoin-0.8.1
GIT Caugagonia
Build Bitcoin using make
command (it will take some time depending on your processor and RAM)
Make -j $ (nproc)
Configure bitcoin
./configure-build = Linux-64-host = Linux-64
Make a binary
Make -j $ (nproc)
Sudo will install the installation
for a specific version of the bitcoins you want to assemble.
Generation of Windows executable file (.exe)
To generate an executable file for bitcoin-qt.exe from any of these versions, we use msysbuild.exe
(comes with Mingw) or Cygwin:
- Install MSYS2 : If you are using Windows 10/11, install [MSYS2] ( if it is no longer installed.
- Get a bitcoin source code : Download and extract the latest version of the Bitcoin source code from [bitcoin.org] ( bitcoin) in the directory where you can easily launch MSYS2 commands, For example,
C: \ Bitcoin
(or any other way suitable for your system).
- Go to the Bitcoin source code : Go to the Bitcoin-0.8.1
that has been extracted during the assembly process.
- Build and install the Cygwin libraries: Build and install Cygwin's necessary libraries:
Cd c: \ bitcoin \ bitcoin-0.8.1
Install the cygwin libraries if you haven’t done so
msysbuild.exe -q install -v bitcoin -dev
Now assemble the executable
Msysbuild.exe -q Build -msys
Generate the Windows Startable File (.exe)
msysbuild.exe /p: config = debug /p:exe_output=c:\bitcoin\bitcoin-0.8.1\\BUILD\Bitcoin.exe /p:out_dir=c:\bitCoin\Bitcoin-0.8.1
Replace the way in `C: \ Bitcoin-0.8.1 \ Build \ Bitcoin.