Metamask: SetApprovalForAll for multiple contracts in 1 txid

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Metamask: Defining approval for multiple collections in a single transaction

By sending transactions at Blockchain Ethereum, it may be necessary to approve several contracts or wallets simultaneously. In this article, we will explore how to define approval for multiple collections in a single transaction using Metamask.

Understanding the Metamask Setapprocalforall function

Metamask is a popular Ethereum portfolio that allows users to send and receive ether (ETH) while allowing advanced permission management. One of MetaMask’s main features is its ability to define approval for various contracts in a single transaction using the setapprovalforall 'function.

What does it mean to approve several collections?

In Ethereum, each contract has several approvals that specify which wallets can vote for their state changes. For example, an intelligent contract may have several approvals from different wallets, such as:

  • Wallet A: Approves the execution of the contract (read or write) for 1 hour

  • Wallet B: Approves the execution of the contract (read) for 24 hours

Defining approval for multiple collections in a single transaction

To define approval for multiple collections, you can use the Metamask SetapprovalForall function. Here is an example of how to do this:


// Define approval for all contracts for 1 hour

Metamask.setapprocavalforall (

“0x …”, // Contract address

{…}, // object of approvals with various wallets and durations

True, // Define True if the contract is permission to execute on behalf of the portfolio

3600000 // 1 hour in seconds



In this example, we are defining approval for all contracts (a single variety of objects) for 1 hour. We specify ... as the object that contains several approvals, where each approval is an object with an Wallet,duration property and optional Fee.

Parameters -Chave

Here is a detail of the main parameters used in the example:

  • Contractaddress: The address of the contract to which you want to define approval.

  • APPROVALSOBJECT: A variety of objects that specify various approvals. Each object has three properties: ‘Wallet’, which is the portfolio address, ‘duration’ and optional rate.

  • set True indicates whether the contract can be executed on behalf of the specified portfolio.

Example of case use

Metamask: SetApprovalForAll for multiple contracts in 1 txid

Suppose you are creating a decentralized application (Dapp) that requires multiple approvals for each user account. You can define approval for all contracts in a single transaction using metamask:


// Define approval for 1 hour and 24 hours for all wallets

Metamask.setapprocavalforall (

“0x …”, // Contract address

{…}, // object of approvals with various wallets and durations

True, // Define True if the contract is permission to execute on behalf of the portfolio

[3600000, 86400000] // 1 hour and 24 hours in seconds



In this example, we are establishing approval for all contracts (a single variety of objects) for 1 hour (3600000 seconds) and 24 hours (86400000 seconds). Set True ‘parameter indicates that the contract is authorized to execute on behalf of each wallet.

By setting approval for multiple collections in a single transaction, you can optimize your permission management and reduce the number of transactions required to complete complex contracts.

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