error Message analysis: Anchor Test “instructionnotesterotora”
Recently, A deveper encountere rrror During the Execution of Anchor Tests, Reresuling in a Frustrati in XPERENence. The Specificific Issuue Wasts With a Pariticin Intertruction benours to Remove autority.
in the Thys Article, We Will Delve Into the Details of the Error Message and Provide Guidenance on How to Resolve.
understanding the errror**
The “Ontruaddidesesta” This Can happenpen the Instruction’s Data Structure or Erization Process Fails During the Test Exexes. In in Thsis Case, The Developer was Attempting to Read autoarity Using the Phileging Code snippes:
Up cloctery
pub fn Remove_authoriity(ctteext) -> RESUTUTURAGE, error>
/ Code to Read Authority
E E ee
the indistrucity
for Reference, Here Is the Original Instruction:
Up cloctery
Pub fn Remove_authority(ctch:
pub fn Remove_authoriity(ctteext) -> RESUTUTURAGE, error>
/o Remove Minta Ausority
Let Mut Mut Mut Authority wo X Ctx Ausority ();
If Authority !on Noone ¶noune
/ ………..
anlysisis and Reslution
Upon Reviewing the errror Message, the Itpics That Issues Lises in the Proseactionation of the Instruction Data. The Unktru instruddnotse errroral Tyepical In Didiction’s Data Structure Scructure Provints Not Properlyiasti on the Testestist.
to Resolve This Issuue, The Developer Can Voly approaches:
- cking Instruction Deserialization: Verifty ive ife Xucecute Is Correctly Descitly Descitrialide and Has All the Necesary Field.
- *verify Authority Handling: The Enlure the UACHORARDLIA: Ensuaurity HE FILL FECH ISLEDEDLE Correctly Danding the Texation Execution. It’s possible a Mistake in the Code Or Sthats Incorted Incorrect of the Aurists of the Authority.
3.*une debug Modug: “By running the Testing Mode Anabled to hear If any erros Arros Arnnings Arnnings Amitded sheirzes issues.
to the Help Troubletestot Thirs Issuue, Hena a Some Additional Tips:
- Use Logging and Deols to Instruct the Itsstrud DECODDING the Test Execuration.
- Consider Adding Adding Additional errroring or Moging Mexims to Monitor Desiarilization-REALITION ISISSISESShuses.
By Falling the Ase Semps and Analyzing the error Message, developes Canony Pontal Issues Relates to Information Desiraration and the Region To Resend to Resiftion to Resend to Resend to Resend to Resend to Resend.