Ethereum: Issues with foundry `forge` unit test vm.expectEmit

Optimizing Ethereum Unit Tests with ‘Forge’

As a developer working on Ethereum-based projects, you have probably faced the challenges of testing complex smart contracts with the ‘Forge’ unit testing framework. One common problem is that tests may fail when verifying the expected behavior of the events emitted by the contract. This article explores some common pitfalls and provides guidance on optimizing your unit tests.

The ‘Forge’ Unit Testing Framework

In Ethereum, the ‘Forge’ test environment is a virtual machine (VM) that allows contracts to run with the same logic as the mainnet. The VM waits for the events emitted by the contract and checks the correctness of the contract’s execution based on these events. In order for your tests to be successful, it is essential to understand how the ‘Forge’ framework works.

Common Issues

When writing unit tests for “forge”, you may encounter the following issues:

  • Missing event expectations: In some cases, events are not explicitly defined in the contract source code or in the test setup. If this happens, the test cannot verify the expected behavior.
  • Incorrect event handling: The “forge” virtual machine expects events on specific interfaces (e.g. “Event” or “Call”). If these interfaces are missing from the contract or not implemented properly, the tests may fail.
  • Insufficient testing of dependencies: When testing a contract that relies on external services or libraries, make sure to test these dependencies as well.

Optimizing Unit Tests with “Forging”

To resolve issues and write more robust unit tests, follow these best practices:

Ethereum: Issues with foundry `forge` unit test vm.expectEmit

1. Explicitly Define Events

Be sure to explicitly define each event in the contract source code or in the test settings. This ensures that the “forging” virtual machine knows how to expect these events.

contract MyContract {

event NewEvent(byte data);


When writing tests for these events, make sure they are emitted correctly on the expected interfaces:

it('should emit NewEvent', async () => {

const contract = new MyContract();

await contract.newEvent('someData');



2. Test event handling

When testing event handling, make sure that the “forge” virtual machine can properly interpret and process these events. This includes verifying that the contract functions handle the events as expected.

it('should emit NewEvent', async () => {

const contract = new MyContract();

await contract.newEvent('someData');



3. Test dependencies

When testing contracts that rely on external services or libraries, make sure to test these dependencies as well. This includes verifying that the dependencies are initialized and used correctly.

contract MyContract {

function testLibraryFunction() {

// Initialize library dependencies here



it('you need to call the library function', async () => {

const contract = new MyContract();

await contract.testLibraryFunction();



4. Use forge‘s built-in testing tools

The forge testing framework has several built-in tools that help you write more efficient and effective tests:

  • Event testing

    : The events tool allows you to specify event handlers for contract events.

  • Function testing: The functions tool allows you to test contract functions, including their implementation.

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it(‘should handle NewEvent’, async () => {

const contract = new MyContract();

await contract.newEvent(‘someData’);



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